
Look over your shoulder. That's the point which just sailed past.

Because you support those organizations or because you think that focusing on individuals at any protest is wrong?

>> church for cool people

Yeah, that would have turned out well.

>> Unfortunately the world was exhausted by war at that point.

And before anyone gets on the "Stalin allied with Hitler" thing, so did the British and the US. And France. And Japan. World War II was a completely fluid, shifting scramble for third world resources where everyone was for and against everyone else. In the end, all of the imperial countries teamed up with whomever


Yeah, these guys are clearly Nazi knobs and the most shameful of the shameless.

I've known forever that Trader Joe's is owned by Aldi.


Admittedly, my characterization of agnostics was a bit of a cheap troll. But I am of the opinion that many take that label so they can avoid the withering criticism of believers. And the no balls part was meant to shame the agnostics for straddling the battle lines when they should be taking a firm stand against

Atheists don't claim to "know anything for certain." That's a blanket that's thrown over them. As many try to cast them as the other side of religious fanatics. It's simply lack of belief in deference to evidence. No evidence for so-called "supernatural," therefore not worth considering. It's simple, cold dismissal

There is no data. I'm exercising my dog given right to say numbers on the Internet and then not provide sources.

I've always said there's a HUGE difference between Libertarians and libertarians.

I'm just saying…

By the way, if we're talking fascism, I'd put the Tolkien films squarely in that camp.

"This Is Sparta?"

"This. Is. PROVO!"

In a John Carpenter movie, right? RIGHT?!