
The best part of this episode was Mears.

Game of Thrones ends it latest episode with Jaime getting tackled off his horse after narrowly missing a chance to skewer the dragon mother and her kid, sinking into the depths before the inevitable rescue next episode.

I should also mention that this is an expectation I bring into every film and TV show I watch, but up to this very late date, I have always been disappointed. Could this finally be the one?

"Ghetto Hummingbird."


Black people are just big ass hummingbirds.

Yes. I am happy.

This show sounds great!

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury… look closely at frame 238 of the Zapruder footage. You'll very clearly see a waist high, semi-turgid outline on this man standing on the Grassy Knoll. That's not a shadow. That's clearly a boner. An unexplained, entirely out of place boner. Forget everything you THINK you know. This

We're through the looking glass, people.

I fully expect to see a room filled with dick pics that are connected by red string.


You would say that, Comment #42,934.

>> There’s one very simple rule to not fucking up your film adaptation

Okay, is showrunner the dumbest goddamn name for any job ever?

People are missing the real purpose of this "administration."

This one is easy.

Those assholes could have saved time and money and just sent one of their nerds to the AV Club. We could have straightened their shit out in one lazy afternoon.


Or jizz.