

Lute Fisk: Swedish Dick.

I'm in.

Wait… what?

Game recognizes game.

Think it through.

Batman is redneck Batman.

Yeah, but you're not suspicious of a 2,000 year absent ghost carpenter who claims to speak on behalf of talking snakes who hand out poison apples and lives in a gold mansion in the clouds.

How'z come I can't buy a salted chocolate bicep shaped like from LeBron?

Okay, upvote for "tuzzy muzzy."

Allow me to cast my vote (literally and figuratively) for government — federal, state, and local — "paternalistically" limiting the "freedom" of you and your relatives in rural Wisconsin. Gun owners in America have a shit record. You've made your case in blood and now the verdict will not be kind.

Also, fuck you, Al Gore, because… um, LOGIC?!

Regarding porn, males starting "asserting the pecking order" and bullying, exploiting women since the invention of porn?

I think it's overthinking to try to square guilt over pop culture representation of guns with the availability of real life guns.

My favorite kind of beer is beer.

Everybody likes that guy if you take the time to make sure your friends know good beer from bad. Then everybody at the party is That Guy.


Your argument falls apart because you unironically used the word "beer" when referencing this yellow water. I've always, always, always been puzzled about the so-called virtues of "drinkability."

(Slouches next to Vote Up button with a Zima).

Corona with a lime just says "summer" to me. It says "beach." It says "BBQ."