
His tube sock was one size too small.

Here are some freebies…

"They took his 1099-B… on April 14th."

"Holy shit. That's Jason Bourne!"

"I'm Bat-CPA."

Dana Andrews absolutely unforgettable in the all-time great Ox-Bow Incident (1943).

I want to see a Sunny episode where Frank takes Rum Ham to the prom.

Their names were Ted Cruz and Carl Fiorina.

You gotta admit though… it's a LITTLE funny that the monkey people of Earth who are acidifying the oceans, eradicating species, setting fire to the planet, getting shot by their own toddlers, and wasting their drinking water on lawns are mostly obsessed with other monkey people wearing tuxedos and peeing in the right

This just confirms a longstanding theory that the only thing that can save us as a species is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

You just single-handedly brought the entire web to peak clickbait.

I wish there was a way to time travel Greg Popovich into that episode.

Two legendary pedants locked in epic combat.

I just masturbate in the M & M store.


I'm still waiting for all of those sneeze guard-less salad bars in Westeros to yield a horrific salmonella outbreak.


Yeah. I've found this is not a popular opinion.

I do not like Harry Potter.

Pan's Labyrinth!