
"Lone gunman seeks grassy knoll."

I'll only join this dating service if I have a shot at meeting Kimmy Schmidt.

Nice try, lizard people.

Oh, please.

"What progress are Dr. Hibbert, Dr. Nick, and Professor Frink making in the fight against the jaundice epidemic in Springfield?"

SPADE: I won't play the cockwomble!

Upvoted for upvoting cockwomble.


I won't play the sap!

Also, Bogie got his start playing a villain.

Match Game '76: Civil War.

My Many Jokers.

Or an entire movie based around the Avengers shawarma event.

Movies like this are what YouTube was invented for.

The AV Club Sarcasm Font is not loading properly for me.


Legal obligation? No.

Is this a federal, state, or Butcher law?

Using legal/illegal as a personal code for being human is a pathetic and low standard.

Whether she's a comedian, is or isn't funny, is a woman, a public figure or whatever is totally irrelevant. If a person tells you no or stop, they are under no obligation to explain their reasons for not wanting to be in your Twitter feed, Instagram flow, YouTube channel. Respect others. Period.