
My story: I’m sitting back with a beer waiting to see all the amazing stories that will be completely unrelated to the Note 7.

The door shut first

You know this is just as annoying as people who actually post stuff like that.

less silliness, more grittiness.

Right, it’s not as if U.S. presidents have taken their country to war based on a lie, or anything recently...

Hey, it’s a free country, I can’t legally stop you from fucking yourself, can only tell you it’s a bad idea that will lead the country to unimaginable strife.

I get it, a recall of a phone is not easy for a company to do because these phones are not easy to make. Back when the iPhone 4 had its issue with the antenna, Steve Jobs had a mental breakdown over the problem because he knew how serious it was. Sure, he initially denied it, but it got fixed. That was an antenna.

This is a big win for the procrastinators among us who still haven’t purchased Journey.

Pearls rolling on the ground in VR, Oh man this changes everything!

Let me apologize first. I’m sorry.

It’s different from person to person. Some like rock, some like pop, some like jazz, and some like some other stuff.

Because Batman doesn’t shoot guns! Except all the guns he shot in the film...

...unless you’ve got POWAH!

Jason Scott Lee!

He’s the mastermind behind the Wu-Tang Clan, the favorite rap group of just about everyone who doesn’t listen to that much rap music.

I’m not really ashamed, since no one saw it, but still:

I guess I got “raped” a lot as a child. But I never got measles.

Now playing

Ah, the early 90’s. Such a glorious time to be a gamer. Fighting games galore in every Arcade. Back then way before Youtube I was making crud music videos with game footage. I would connect my Genesis or SNES to my VCR and record game footage. Then connect two VCR’s together for editing and connect a boombox to the

EGM was the greatest gaming magazine ever. I looked forward to every issue. Those were the good ‘ol days.