You know this is just as annoying as people who actually post stuff like that.
You know this is just as annoying as people who actually post stuff like that.
Right, it’s not as if U.S. presidents have taken their country to war based on a lie, or anything recently...
Hey, it’s a free country, I can’t legally stop you from fucking yourself, can only tell you it’s a bad idea that will lead the country to unimaginable strife.
This is a big win for the procrastinators among us who still haven’t purchased Journey.
Pearls rolling on the ground in VR, Oh man this changes everything!
Let me apologize first. I’m sorry.
He’s the mastermind behind the Wu-Tang Clan, the favorite rap group of just about everyone who doesn’t listen to that much rap music.
Ah, the early 90’s. Such a glorious time to be a gamer. Fighting games galore in every Arcade. Back then way before Youtube I was making crud music videos with game footage. I would connect my Genesis or SNES to my VCR and record game footage. Then connect two VCR’s together for editing and connect a boombox to the…
EGM was the greatest gaming magazine ever. I looked forward to every issue. Those were the good ‘ol days.
I agree. I think you might be the only one who think it's stupid.
Not the snake he was looking for.
Huzzah! Now if only they'd get that voucher site up and running...
Fuck. That.
We live in a Capitalistic society (for better or worse, depends on the day) and the core tenet of that philosophy is that one's time, effort and work IS WORTH monetary compensation. Being "paid" in "exposure" is a cheap way of saying "make me things for free from which I shall profit, and you shall not…
Boyd from Fire Emblem? Color me impressed, you don't see much Fire Emblem cosplay, especially not minor characters