
fuck off.

98% of what you just said is bullshit.

but kids now reject EVERYTHING their parents liked.

shut up mimsy!!

you using the term "physical equals" proves my point. and i don't know what kind of proof you have that girls only idolize "musicians" who are artistically worthy, but the popularity of justin bieber, one direction, n'sync, backstreet boys, new kids on the block etc. is fully driven by girls' attraction to those boys'

i really kind of hate when younger people (millennials, i guess) talk about "older" music in the terms they do, like they've got this greater, evolved sophistication than past generations had about art and pop culture, but their views and analyses always sound like a bunch of bullshit. i won't bother stumping for

do guys generally have posters of hot young female singers on their walls? do they buy music and go to concerts based solely on singers being cute? are there countless magazines and websites for guys dedicated to breathless advice on how to get noticed by cute girls? are guys ever "girlcrazy" the way girls are

no she doesn't/no it isn't.

i don't find kate attractive at all and vanessa is uniquely cute but nowhere near "extremely hot."

nope. easily the prettiest girl in the cast.

there's a dr. doctor here on long island.

there's consistently great writing in both of those characters.

i just don't see either how that guy would be "sexy" to look at. but the thing that i think enrages some guys—certainly fat ugly unlaid zeros like me—is how girls gush over guys they're hot for as though they're gods, and how they seem to delight in reminding us how sexually nonexistent we are to them in the process.

"timber of voice"? so his delivery is wooden, in other words?

safe? meyers was pretty edgy imho..just had a charismatic, just-this-side-of-snarky way of delivering it that maybe cut that edge.

but not necessarily most black entertainers.

one 's'.

right. exactly.

it's maybe my favorite.

yep. that song exists somehow both completely within the quintessence of soul music, as a genre, and discretely outside of it, in its own perfect space where genre is meaningless/irrelevant..or, put another way, it sounds, simultaneously, like a fully-realized revival AND like the first r&b torch song you've ever