
if that's *true*, it really cinches it for me that i am not a stones guy. or underscores it. or something.

yeah, queef latina is a whole assload of win. now i'm laughing again myself.

i more responded AT you, really. you were a dick to me repeatedly, that's why i'm being a dick to you now.

hmm. i think the appeal there is all wig, dress, makeup..she had kind of a biggish nose, strong face..not super feminine or pretty, to me,

one hot minute was a mess of an album, but it was certainly a much more interesting and musical mess than anything else in their catalog. navarro is in some ways a difficult guy to embrace, but musically speaking he's ace. not talked about often enough as a guitar hero, and his solo record from '01 is fucking

— loved creep when it came out, didn't much like the other stuff i heard from PH

go away.

fine young cannibals?

new kid a in town?

that's one of the "songs" that made me not much of a radiohead fan anymore.

5. there there
4. exit music
3. wolf at the door
2. fake plastic trees
1. let down

way too many great songs on bends for any one to be "best by a long way."

amnesiac is the one that really drove me away, and kol is the one that sealed the deal.

i don't think most of that is very full of melody and structure at all. i don't bother complaining anymore unless it comes up, like here. but where i once thought radiohead was gonna be one of the great bands of my lifetime, i now only treasure on any significant level okc, bends, httt and about half of kid a..and i

i'm apparently the only one who doesn't hear the supposed return to warmth, form and muscle of that record. hail to the thief, fucked up as it it, was the one that brought me (briefly) back, before i checked out again on a band i once thought was destined to sit proudly among my all-time favorites.

how about these: sinking, fight, untitled, end, bare..

i'll throw (the fucking incredible) wolf at the door into this convo..the tourist is quite lovely, too.

i tend not to look closely at usernames here. byenow.

i do think it's interesting that iggy azalea is getting a lot of shit for being a white australian who raps in a fake, affected southern black drawl, but that drake doesn't get any such shit for being a part-black canadian who does the same thing.

your third sentence..i am confused.