
why are the artists in quotes?

she's indie in an indie way that i never indied before. hooboy.

in what way does english being your second language cause you to not type words or names you're looking at the same exact way as they're spelled?

but can you really PROVE he had nothing to do with it?

i feel almost wrong even thinking about that right now..but i can't imagine her ever having looked "hot."

really? the oj thing wasn't just broad common knowledge?

right around the time snoop dropped it like it was hot.


a shame, that.

no, just the music they make/listen to, the superior-ironic attitudes they purvey, the way they..yeah, i do.

ocean avenue isn't forgotten?

nope. a typo is when you type a letter here or there incorrectly, not when you use an entirely different word.

i only capitalized it there because i felt it would be especially egregious to correct your spelling of it but not *technically* spell it right myself. normally i keep everything lowercase. bye now.

i didn't like pretender. or learn to fly, really, which is one of the weakest songs on a great fucking album.

i eschew capitalization deliberately. you misspelled "azalea" out of ignorance.

i and tons of my friends and peers lived and died with artists, albums, etc., whether it be rock, hip-hop, or other strains of pop and contemporary music. and i really hate being the old fart who says music used to be better, but i swear it was. and people counter by saying much what you did, that there's

woulda SWORN that post said "jost and cecily" before. if not, i fucked up.

no..and i will freely admit—though some will call it "racist", which is asinine—that i'm not generally attracted to black girls (yet i'm like crazy into every other shade of brown and all manner of mixes lol)..but she is very pretty.

sure..i just didn't think it showcased physical comedic gifts in an impressive way at all. and no, this sketch doesn't correlate to the shock/reference stuff, just the general tone of comedy today where it seems to be more "about itself", or just like "hey, yeah, i know what that's parodying"—so i guess maybe it does

nope. never watched that show or any of the tons of cable series of the past few years that became sensations. never was a little interested in any of them.but i did misunderstand what you wrote about her contributions to tv and movies. she may well be talented, but i don't think she's anything resembling a household