
she is ludicrously pretty, huh?

i get it, but next time you call attention to this holocaust, could you please do so without a picture so hot that, improbably, neither vanessa hudgens nor selena gomez is the sexiest girl in the shot? thanks bunches.

weezer sucked always and forever.


i have a ball! perhaps you'd like to bounce it.

i'm gonna weigh in (s.w.i.d.t.?) and say that i think this is a perfectly valid topic to spiel about here. overweight is the last bastion of 'we're not supposed to make fun of this but who cares'-dom in our society. of course, i'm in the minority in saying this, because most people who post here are probably

they're in a 4-way tie for best overrated hipster bullshit band ever, with the pixies and sonic youth.

they're pretty much the quintessential indie band, which is why i fucking hate them.

and "fuck you", no?

did she have the lace-trimmed anklets, too? i could die with those.

pretty please, with sugar on top—clean the fuckin' car.

i'm so very glad that i still don't give a fuck about almost any of these artists (mbv i'm down with, and some jt and yeezy).


shitty asshole people are prone to being shitty assholes.

travolta's fair game, but leave ll cool j out of it.

isn't "characteristic left turns" oxymoronic?

the zwan record is terrific.

"phenomenon." "phenomena" is plural.

greatest rock album ever made. no other band could do everything done on that record.

"who are you?" has gone eternally uncensored here in ny too..i can only imagine that it's because of the way daltrey kind of "swallows" the 'fuck'.