
Can’t be said often or loudly enough - stay on that soapbox, for the health of our moms, sisters, daughters, friends, wives, lovers, casual acquaintances and ourselves (if we happen to have a cervix or other women’s parts, which I do not).

Allow me a brief moment of soapboxing-

football players made up “less than a third”

Weird, Roger Goodell is a gutless craven douchelord.

Travis Kelce does elaborate dances after touchdowns, makes jerking off motions toward refs on the field, gets a stupid unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after dropping an important pass in a playoff game, and has his own reality show in which women compete for the chance to date him. Yet somehow he doesn’t get half the

“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”

Why do we have to include a vague reference to a hypothesized mental health issue? Why can’t we just say dude likes weed? What is so wrong with that?

Looking back at the articles on him, best bet is that the substance is marijuana, which he uses for his vaguely articulated mental health problem (anxiety). If so, get real NFL. One fine day the league will realize they can make a fair amount of issues go away by being a little progressive. Just a little. A teeny

Jerry Jones issued a statement that as long as the suspension was for drugs, and not for almost killing a woman with your bare hands, he has no problem with the league’s decision.

The absence of criminal charges does not mean the absence of rape.

Well charges were never filed. End of story there right. Must be nothing at all to see. Lord knows upstanding police departments the world over have never neglected to do their job before when it came to student athletes and sexual assault. Phew, glad we can all Move on now 

What a pathetic hill to die on. If they boycotted because a rapist(s) went unpunished, that would be awesome. I’d even happily accept boycotting a game because they don’t get paid. But to boycott in support of rapists?

Should have been you, Trump.

The Saints secondary has been doing this for years.

Ok, great, but where’s the story on Gronk’s 69th career td?

So Vontaze Burfict got suspended four games for hitting someone he was supposed to hit, albeit in an improper fashion, and Josh Brown only got suspended one game for hitting someone he wasn’t supposed to hit.
Okay then.

Now playing

“Even SsangYong...”??? C’mon! They are specialists with race trucks!
