
Not fair, Ford overheard the woman in the brown ask the woman in the green if she wanted her Coke.

I was told by one of his drivers that he told McLaren that he'd get one if it was a convertible. Seems like he had to settle.

Don't bother with the gamepad. I tried to hook an XBOX controller in when I first got iRacing, and it ended in tears. There is no dead zone for the stick, and as a result you end up swerving all over the place. Get a cheap wheel!

Needs moar helicopter

I'm begging you, Samir! SAMIR PLEASE!

How did Mark Teixeira not make that list?!

I'm still not sure how I got away with it to this day (no, no speeding ticket. Just a story), but I was driving a Lotus Exige S240 in Canada with some other cars and got caught behind at a toll booth. I had to make up some ground on a near empty highway so I could stay in radio contact with the cars.

Her favourite number is 13...


Nothing annoys me more than when the police are polite enough to, instead of shutting down an event full of douches, provide traffic control and then have some asshat pull a move like this. It's insanely disrespectful.

This. This this this this this this THIS.

I know that suit and crappy used helmet all too well...

Will do, thanks!!

I LOVE the Shins....I started listening to them a few months ago after the persistent nagging of a friend. They're great. Some of my favourites: Simple Song, Phantom Limb, Girl Sailor.

Well by your logic the Testarossa can't be a supercar either, because there was a more extreme car in the range: the F40.

I saw one yesterday in White Plains, NY. It seemed like they were parking it underground for the night at the Westchester mall. I really wish I could have stuck around to get a look inside, but my GF was sick and I had to get out of there with her :(

Awful, just awful. Someone who is closer to the situation told me that they were hauling vehicles and the load shifted aft, causing an upward pitch that couldn't be overcome. Nothing a pilot can do except go full thrust, full forward yoke and pray when that happens.

Agreed! Two facilities in Wallingford and Brookfield, CT. There's nothing nearby that can compare in terms of equipment and track for an indoor track. Wallingford is just installing an outdoor track now, too!

Hey, I'm just the poster.

The GEM Peapod seemed like a happy car before it the project was scrapped.