We spent four years hearing from the democrats that they can’t do anything to stop trump and we need to get Biden in the WH. Now they are saying Biden’s hands are tied to do anything. And you fell for it.
We spent four years hearing from the democrats that they can’t do anything to stop trump and we need to get Biden in the WH. Now they are saying Biden’s hands are tied to do anything. And you fell for it.
Kill kids and commit war crimes in between responses?
Tebow is the alpha white Christian male. Infinite privilege mixed with a persecution complex.
If every single Stein voter cast a ballot for HRC she still loses..but let’s blame her and not Hillary, who didn’t visit Wisconsin a single time because she was out trying to court republicans.
While Hillary is staging fake photo ops on hiking trails with people she knows.
He’s still fighting for the people.
The Dems have been saying that the Russians have been influencing the election and the actual president-elect said millions of votes were illegally cast, yet you are wasting your time talking about Stein...the least powerful person in this equation.
Bill Clinton did that with the help of a republican congress.
Why don’t people like you spend all day chastising actual trump voters?
Do you know the difference between a closed primary and a general election?
Why do you think private prison stocks shot up when he won? They get $50k a year per prisoner from the taxpayer.
I always find this funny, the idea that cyclists don’t follow the law. Try grabbing a park bench near a stop sign and I guarantee you that less than 10% of CARS make a complete stop but this argument is always used against cyclists.
It’s illegal you dumbass.
Just read the comments in your local news when a cyclist gets killed. 80% blame the cyclist.
LEO is 15th on the list. We don’t let landscapers trample on the rights of others because they have to make it home to their wife and kids.
You know garbage man is a more dangerous job than cop right?
Yeah, scrutiny makes it hard to be trustworthy. The fuck?
No one in front of their cars?
You spelled Dana wrong.
Mac book...because you’d rather have something ‘cool’ over something that will make it easier to work on all the windows computers you’ll run into.