*internationally. :-(
*internationally. :-(
Damn. I’ll admit it. This got to me. big time.
Not nearly soon enough!
Why did you leave Starfleet, Admiral?
So a vanity press then. Because no one edited this.
“launching pad for right-of-center counterculture.”
I’ll allow it. We’ll call it the Watterson Exemption.
3. “Smooched” does not belong in an adult novel. Or a YA novel. Or a children’s book. Or any writing ever.
I am 300% certain that Tony was named Tyrone in the first draft.
It’s like how people think something, in this instance writing, is easy but when they actually put pen to paper/fingers to keys their work turns out a complete flaming bag of shit. Hell, what I just typed is prob dogshit, but that’s why I’m not a writer!
Whoops, I originally wrote here that it was self-published. Apparently the paperback is published by Liberty Island Press, which describes itself as a “launching pad for right-of-center counterculture.” Might as well be self-published.
That passage was particularly frustrating because we’ve *all* had that asshat in class.
I actually do kind of love it for real. Simple, direct, clear, sounds pretty much like something a real person would say. And it tells you EXACTLY who the speaker is.
Dear lord the editor in me nearly had a stroke reading pretty much every sentence of that.
“Scott, you are a good person, and you would make a wonderful father,” and “You will feel so blessed one day.”
He’s the guy who says something stupid and when you try to tell him why gets so mad he doesn’t even pay attention. He’s just spending the entire time thinking about his great comeback.
I’m assuming this bitch is self-published, without the benefit of an editor’s gaze.
“I said that I thought it didn’t make any sense that somehow women’s liberation became about birth control. I said it seems like women sold out, because if they really wanted change, they should have changed society to fit them, rather than changing themselves to fit into society.”