Coding to the meat.
Coding to the meat.
They revived a god. Now they've defeated a god. It was the only way.
Here's a list of possible things on why unboxing videos are popular:
- To prepare/antecipate/predict what your own experience while unboxing it could be like;
- To see how a stranger reacts on a first look of the product (luxury, status, design reactions);
- To check the contents that comes with the product itself - to…
The same group of "hackers" who last week took credit for bringing down a number of big games and company websites…
In case you're asleep when it hits, almost every day here on Kotaku I run a feature called Fine Art. It's a chance…
Tired of opinions in your game reviews? Hanging out for something that's truly objective that'll just give you the fa…
Not only did Joshino pull off this well-known Battlefield move in Planetside 2, but he made it his last kill to…
That's because Gears of War and UT3 sold like crap on PC (UT3 was by far the worst game in the series and GoW on PC was an awful port)
However, PC gaming has become a lot more popular since 2007(In 2007, I was still unwilling to make digital purchases on Steam, for instance), so today his opinion on "where the money…
There are barely three pages of content... much less to swipe through. I felt that I learned how to read this interface visually really quickly and did not feel overwhelmed or lost.
The PlayStation 4 is out in the US on November 15. The Xbox One? Well, it's looking like it could hit the market a…