Good stuff, I’ll add that if you can cheat on your partner, then convince yourself its better not to tell them, either one of those is leading you down a slippery slope. What other rotten things can you do and justify keeping it to yourself?
Good stuff, I’ll add that if you can cheat on your partner, then convince yourself its better not to tell them, either one of those is leading you down a slippery slope. What other rotten things can you do and justify keeping it to yourself?
Plus, if he is found not guilty, he probably has the right to re-enroll or apply to do so once the victim is out of school.·
I guess celebrities don’t poop like all the rest of us after all. One can only imagine the luxurious products they use for a runny nose.
The three million slashing you speak of was actually a decrease in the automatic increase. I went up by tens of millions.