
I would really have like to see Idris Elba get the part of James Bond (if he were actually interested) for just that reason. I’ve loved him since Ultraviolet on Channel 4 in the UK, right through his days as Stringer Bell and beyond.

I think the tide is beginning to shift slightly, but it definitely needs to change

Alternate take: How about we not shit on Reynolds’s success? I quickly run out of fucks when you tear someone down to build someone else up.

Surprised you didn’t mention Idris Elba. In his 40s and just missing the right script to be an A+ lister. Sure, he hasn’t built his career on C movies, but arguably neither has Michael B. Jordan.

Magic Mike:Asgardian Spring Break?

Thor: “I need to get back to Earth! There’s someone waiting for me!”
Banner: “Jane?”

I would read your spark notes on any disney movie.

¡Es el tiempo del Hombre de Turbo!

Racism is not a mental illness, nor is mental illness an excuse for racism.

I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.

the panicked employee who had called the cops was being “counseled and retrained.”

This just happened, on the 1st of this month.

This took place when I was about 10 years old. My mom had rather quickly filed for divorce, but she only had a part-time job and made very little money, so finding a place to stay that was affordable and available immediately was tough. A friend of hers told her that she and her husband had

I know I’m late to the party, but here is a truly scary story - you might say it was a matter of life and death.

I’ve only told this story to my closest friends. I haven’t even confided in my sister (for fear of the obvious shame). Please buckle in because this tale needs to be told in length.

Ok, mine isn’t that scary, but I experienced it, and I don’t believe in any of this stuff (until its 3am and im creeped out).

Seconded! I can’t get properly creeped out in the dark when I’m too busy rolling my eyes at the same stupid comment.

Bring back disemvoweling!

“but the other two only came back to get their stuff.”

The very first house that I bought was a cat. I knew the previous owner has a cat because there was a cat door cut into the utility door and when I was cleaning before moving in, there was cat hair all over the carpet.

Honestly, I have no idea what really happened the night I’m about to describe. All I know is what I observed and experienced.