
Me reading the last sentence: "Knight Rider, please."

Thanks for posting this, but now I'm curious how does Genevieve feel about this news and does it change her feeling that it was a "misstep story wise to include it in the show? For what it's worth I didn't find it detrimental at all, as a viewer the phone booth scene, combined with the drunk kiss scene (and Ryder's

I really enjoyed the finale and really the entire season. I would put Season 1 in the B-B+ range.

It was that Hollywood Minute bit Spade would do during Weekend Update. He showed a picture of Eddie Murphy and said "Look kids it's a falling star."

Great episode. I'm happy that they didn't have anything happen between Dan and Selina I'm not sure how I would have felt about that. The thought of that happening affects the grade in my opinion so I think a B grade is dead on.

I thought the joke was a literal "advancement" of Dawn from the inner bowels of SCP to the front of the office. Crude and with racist undertones but probably tame by the standards of 1969.

If you like Betas you're going to hate Silicon Valley because unlike Betas Silicon Valley actually features likeable characters and humor.

Meh, I expected better.

Isn't this Runaways?

Not sure which movie you're referring to but Funny People worked for me.