
Oh I was, um, 29?

Right? When my ex cheated I wrote an entire blog post and blasted it all over social media. It was cathartic at the time but about a week later I was like hmmmm maybe should’ve gone another route...

I do find this article confusing for the very reason you point out. There are good points that should be made and voices that should be amplified, but the uncritical first person and family accounts of what seems to be a fairly privileged position of whiteness really weaken her position to be taking a stance against

your posting history, if not begs, implies to differ.

Texas is Cruzing for a bluesing

It’s incredible! Lutie’s description of walking up the stairs ahead of the Super in the first chapter - oh my god. I had to put it down and catch my breath. It is so real. That feeling. Oof.

Thanks for this review. This book keeps popping up on my feeds everywhere, and I was uncertain if it would be something I would want to spend my time on. Seems like my doubts were justified.

No fucking kidding. How about instead of bashing her for climbing herself out of the pits of hell, we fucking congratulate her for coming out on top.

Plus, she lost actual jobs for a while(I know she’s getting them now, but she lost them at the time), she got put on a no-fly list of sorts that she still has to deal with when she travels, and she’s getting shat on by liberals even now. Of course she’s “fine,” but, as you point out, men who physically abuse women are

The Nancy Reagan book looks like another stop on the scrubbing of national memory about how awful the Reagans were for so many people in the country and around the world. So Nancy danced with a lesbian writer at a large public event? I don’t give a shit. She facilitated and enabled one of the worst US presidents

I am no Kathy G apologist... but hear me out:

A close guy friend of mine explained to me that men are usually the last to know that their relationships are ending. Men in relationships tend to tune out their partners because guys figure women complain about everything anyway and most of that unhappiness gets worked out. So by the time the relationship is done,

This is why this is why I absolutely refuse to watch her stupid show. I will not support this wack-a-doo Trump supporter. It’s also serious bullshit that she put some little Black girl in the show to act as a buffer against the obvious fact that Trump supporters are racist. She’s disgusting and she can go choke for

What do you mean, the — oh, let’s not get into this.

Saying you’re not homophobic or even genuinely not being homophobic doesn’t equal supporting gay rights. Plenty of people who “don’t have a problem with gay people” think same sex couples should be satisfied with civil unions and there’s nothing wrong with a bakery refusing to make them a cake.

Given that Trump owes his election to low-information voters, Barr’s ignorance on the substance of his actions is pretty appropriate!

And that is not a perspective that anyone needs to hear more of. Or that deserves respect and equal time. No thanks.

I heard somewhere 53% of white women tuned in!

I’m not watching this show, because the last thing I need in my stressed-out, when-will-someone-put-him-in-a-fucking-orange-jumpsuit-already world is a show that basically mimics my relationship with my Trump-voting mother. But thanks, Roseanne!

“I just wanted to have that dialogue about families torn apart by the election and their political differences of opinion and how we handle it.”