

Her candidacy will not terminate until the last dollar has been grifted (with love, of course).

How ridiculous. Everyone knows Ted Cruz’s father has the blood-stained JFK outfit.

Agreed, there’s no way Michelle Obama is that sitcom petty and insecure.

I cannot imagine “there’s a big argument and the night ends with Barack having to sleep on that couch” over that clip.  If anything, I think it would just make Michelle laugh and be like “Everyone knows my husband’s hot.  Get over here, babe.” 

Dog and cat shelters, foster and adoption agencies should hold fundraiser screenings of this film where everyone is allowed to heckle.

He has a dark sense of humor, he always says stuff like that in interviews. I really don’t think he’d have the career he does he sucked at his job.

So interesting he and Kristen Stewart went very similar routes. Both starred in the Twilight movies, got their money and then decided to be actors. Both took roles in small indie movies that challenged them to grow, and in my opinion both succeeded beyond all expectations. Pattinson is absolutely electric in Good

Humblebrag of the year slides into the comments at the 11th hour.

Maybe he just realizes that somehow, the results turn out great, so maybe his self proclaimed “3 methods” work somehow.  Or, he really loves challenging himself.  After Twighlight, all he did were smaller art house movies, and he got raves in all of them.  I tell you, there are days at my accounting job where i’d

I am not a Twi-hard by any means, but having hooked up with a guy who looks disturbingly like Robert Pattinson, I have to say: Would. Watch. 

I just can’t hate on Robert Pattinson. Sure, the Twilight movies were utter garbage, but who can blame a dude who’s had like three small roles and then gets offered millions? Every time I see him speak he’s pretty honest about the fact that he lucked into an entire career. He doesn’t come off as playing the false

I once worked for a boss who was the epitome of white male privilege, but he really wanted to be considered woke. The dude was born in the early 1960s, which means women would have been alongside him throughout high school, college, graduate school, professional licensure, etc. He thought promoting women to HR and

Canadians did not want to see Trump in their Christmas movie. Understandable! [The Hill]

Melania’s most wished for gift? Justin Trudeau.

Ever since I read this in Polygon this is all I can think about

I think snapchat filters are fucking creepy. This looks like a 110 minute long snapchat filter so I will be giving it a HARD PASS.

Six pages. Six fucking pages. Like a break-up letter you wrote on notebook paper to your high school boyfriend. Jeebus H. Khrist.

That one line paragraph was my favourite part of the letter.

This kind of reminds me of my conservative mother’s viewpoint on feminism. I hear a lot of “There are countries where women can’t even drive/vote whatever”. And I’m like dumbfounded that that’s the bar for Republicans. As if we should just be grateful to have basic human rights and not be consistently striving for