
Also they are not defending the person’s actions. They are compelling the state to prove its case. In this situation, the state had to prove beyond a doubt that the killing was intentional (That she died by strangulation was not in doubt, but whether strangulation was intentional or just an unfortunate accident was

Its kinda the basis of western legal practice.

Defense lawyers don't defend their client's actions, they defend their legal right to have their case examined and tried by a court of law. It is one of the foundations of democracy, everyone has the right to a fair trial

My heart goes out to her parents. Imagine raising a child to explore the world in search of adventure and love, only for a psychopathic predator to treat her like prey and blame her for her brutal end.

Trump is cutting off foreign aid until the verdict is reversed and the man is given a cabinet post.

The following day, he went on a Tinder date with another woman with the body of Ms Millane still in the apartment.

It is grotesque that they are referring to her killer as her “ex”. He’s an ex because she isn’t alive anymore, what the actual fuck. Also the kink community is pretty hardcore about safety, and the biggest thing they depend on is trust. This is not kink gone wrong, as he clearly didn’t give a shit about her afterwards

It’s less the Press coverage that pisses me off, I expected that because of course they’d sink that low, but more how New Zealand who for days decried how unfair and wrong it was for the accused to have their identity revealed online before they could defend themselves (and threatened legal action against those who

“Humanitarian aid is not always a crime”

In my city, it is illegal to feed homeless people. Humanity continues to disappoint me.

Score one for humanity!

Here are my favorite Demi videos.

It’s very hard for me to motivate myself to do things! Even the things I want to do. Having jobs that force me to work on a deadline is always so nice because that deadline is a needed pressure, but when I’m writing for myself, not having a deadline means I’m way too lax about it. I need to find a way to give

I would only watch it if the house was so comically fully of people, that people were literally bursting out from windows and chasing each other out the house with garden shears while yelling “Cut. It. Out!” for nostalgia.

Watch the British tabloids make this Meghan’s fault.

Maybe “Hot Takes” or “Trust Fund Pet Projects".

What I find funny about the idea of “triggered libs” is that the entire modern conservative movement is really based around people being triggered by relatively minor things.  I mean, what is Trump’s candidacy being based on other than people getting freaked out because some people with slightly darker skin are moving

The RNC quote doesn’t make sense.

Triggered was surprisingly a well-written book. It was nuanced, and highly erudite, with some poignant, thought-provoking points— I’ve been informed that I’m actually reading the nutrition facts on the back of a salt shaker, my mistake.