I actually really don’t understand how/why the person who is not president yet can order currently serving diplomats to leave their posts BEFORE he becomes president.
I actually really don’t understand how/why the person who is not president yet can order currently serving diplomats to leave their posts BEFORE he becomes president.
“Sister Rockettes” is squicky.
I don’t think anyone thinks these bills should NOT be fought on legal grounds and because discrimination is wrong. It’s just that the people proposing them literally do not think that trans people deserve human rights, so their attention has to be gotten some other way.
I hate this guy so much I Bernie-bro’d the 2014 election and voted for Hawkins. Couldn’t even bring myself to vote for him on the WFP line.
I mean, I don’t have to make an argument for or against trans people listing their biological sex vs identified gender on their ID, because the undeniable truth is that there are many, many trans people out there who have not had sex reassignment surgery who have their identified gender listed on their primary ID. We…
You’re acting like passports are the only example, but they are far from it. Driver’s licenses are used for plenty of interactions (like uh...buying alcohol? getting pulled over for speeding? places that ask for ID when you pay with a credit card?), and having the person who has the license present as a different sex…
It’s basically impossible to function in our society as a trans person who presents as your known sex but has the other sex listed on your primary identification. I am certain that you know this. My friend did not get his passport updated for vanity reasons, he got it because he is a dude with a beard and he wanted to…
I have a trans friend who has a passport and driver’s license marked male, but he still has a vagina. What should I be concerned will happen to him?
No, but I’m absolutely in favor of dismantling any state laws that require driver’s license sex to match birth certificate sex.
This doesn’t strike me as a health reason to list sex on a birth certificate.
I’m not trolling at all. I’m not sure in what way issuing licenses or passports could be considered a health reason for listing sex on a birth certificate (nor why sex needs to be listed on any photo ID at all, for that matter).
When are birth certificates used to dictate health treatments?
What is the reason why we need sex listed on birth certificates, then?
What is the reason why we need genders on birth certificates at all?
My response is always “Cool racism.” I don’t know if it’s effective at all, but watching people try to figure out how to respond is entertaining.
The whole age of computer.
I want that so badly.
Or how you must protect the children but only until they need protection in the form of government aid. The other day I saw someone pull the “abortion is murder” argument and then when someone pointed it that no abortion means children who need welfare support, he said “it’s not my responsibility to pay for your…
I’m so unbelievably sick of every statement about Israel not handling its shit in a way that shows even a modicum of respect for the human people living in Palestine being colored as antisemitism.
I’ll take the chemistry between Horse’s niece Beryl and Tom Wilkinson and the rock solid (pun intended) chemistry between Guy and Lomper over the mediocre chemistry of Jack and Rose every time.