I’m a 30 something year old woman and Titanic DID suck. 15 year old chocolatesystems was SUPER PISSED that it won the Oscar over the obviously-more-deserving The Full Monty. I’m still not over it.
I’m a 30 something year old woman and Titanic DID suck. 15 year old chocolatesystems was SUPER PISSED that it won the Oscar over the obviously-more-deserving The Full Monty. I’m still not over it.
Come on, Duckworth and Harris.
When did I say they weren’t?
Racism is a type of prejudice. But not all prejudice is racism.
I’m not interested in taking a moral test. I know who I am. I was simply saying I’m not one of those dicks who is all “I don’t see color!” I’m acknowledging that all white people are racist and saying I still can’t understand how Michelle Obama can be viewed as not classy or dignified. I’m not trying to win any Woke…
That’s cool. Sorry I didn’t word it “passionately” enough for you. I don’t have anything to prove in this particular forum, though.
I have to give you my entire biography for you to believe that I acknowledge and work to combat my own racism?
How so?
Says you. Just yesterday I drooled on the floor of my apartment while I was trying to yell at my boyfriend for leaving his shoes in the living room while simultaneously leaning over to pick up said shoes.
Why would I want my server to be required to wear her hair down? That’s like...the exact opposite of what I want.
If they have been told it is voluntary and then they got fired for not volunteering, that is an issue.
I’m a white person and as such work diligently against my own racism on a daily basis. I openly acknowledge that racism exists within all white people and must be challenged.
Bright side? At least pp donations are tax deductible so every dollar we donate to them is ~25-35 cents that will not fall into the GOP’s greasy paws.
Other dancey-unison-matchy-costume type things.
I know you don’t need me to prove to you that people are always critical of artists who publicly align themselves with politicians. You seem like a person who exists in the world and is able to observe your surroundings.
Are you seriously suggesting that artists/performers who have chosen to perform at events celebrating Obama have not been criticized for doing so? Or that celebrities who express political views on ANY topic are not loudly condemned for doing so by their fans (and non-fans) who think differently?
Who is Aretha Franklin’s employer who booked her for the inauguration?
Yeah, in my email I told them I’ll never grace MSG or Radio City again, but I failed to mention that I’ve lived in NYC my entire 30+ years of life and I’ve seen the Rockettes once and I didn’t pay. The Rockettes are super talented but their programming suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Reminder: this organization exists ONLY because “the public” who is doing this “ranting” thinks what they do is worth paying to watch.
Wait, if DIY sandwiches with cheap cold cuts and mini bags of chips are #NotYourTypicalPoolHold what IS? Gruel?