Not black people though.
Not black people though.
The fact that he knows “What have you got to lose?” is a “famous line” but does not understand that it is NOT BECAUSE IT WAS A GOOD POINT is an excellent microcosm of his entire brain.
I definitely am relieved to hear this for the sake of the witnesses/relatives of victims who would have had to have interacted with him directly if this proceeded. On the other hand, I was sort of weirdly fascinated to find out how it would play out.
I fully believe that it was in the works for months for his private businesses. I might even believe that they didn’t realize it would mean something different if he made the call after being “elected” president.
I’ve never been happier to both live and work in Brooklyn, and I am always pretty happy about it.
A profit driven bitch whose marriage was ending and who was making the same mistakes with her kids that her mother made with her? I don’t remember any of that from the original series.
FUCKING THANK YOU. All of my Gilmore friends were disgusted with Rory’s behavior in the reboot, but I was the only one openly enraged by the treatment Paris got. Paris deserved to be happy, and she was meant to do good in the world. To have her as a profit-driven bitch whose marriage is ending and who is making the…
Like at this point, I could have my congressman on speed dial and I would just call his office every morning and scream into the receiver, and the guy who answered would be like “I KNOW!” and then I’d be like “talk to you tomorrow!”
I surround myself with lovely, open-minded people with whom I share mutual love, respect, and admiration. It is wonderful.
I know many people who have had abortions, have had trouble conceiving, have had miscarriages, and have children, and I am confident none of them would mind my having this attitude about this situation.
Well, it’s not that I’ve changed my mind about having children, I just don’t feel like RIGHT NOW is a good time for me to have a kid. The election caused a level of insecurity about our collective future and the direction of the country. I’d like to wait and see what transpires before making procreation plans.
True story: My period is now over a week late. I’m pretty sure the election of Trump has just caused my ovaries to go out of business, but yesterday I took a pregnancy test just to be sure. While I was walking to the drug store to get it, I was thinking about how before the election I had decided if I got pregnant at…
Can someone please explain to me what the apology would be? Sorry we expect you to protect all Americans? Sorry we hear the words you say and see the actions you take and find them potentially indicative of the person you are?
Oof. He sounds like a peach.
I set up so many recurring contributions this week. On the one hand it sucks to feel like I have to re-budget because the country fucked up, on the other hand, I will NEVER have taken more delete in all the sweet, sweet, charitable tax deductions.
Fuuuuck guys, is there some kind of foundation that helps women whose states fucking suck pay for travel expenses? I would absolutely offer up my home couchsurfing style for women who needed a place to crash for a few days while getting one of our fashionable NYC abortions.
Ugh I’m so sorry. That is truly awful.
I know, and fuck them too. A fucking YEAR ago I was saying republican leaders needed to denounce him, and they all ignored the situation until it was way, way too late.
When did I say I wasn’t angry at Obama?
I am 100% ignoring anyone who tells me not to hate Trump voters.