
I’m mad at all of the media outlets. It turns out I have a whole lot of anger to go around.

If every time I was worried about anything I thought about all the other people who were unquestionably worse of than I am, I would be incapable of accomplishing anything.

I am having trouble getting over my anger at Jon Stewart for being one of the (admittedly numerous) comedians to goad Trump into running for president for years, and celebrate when he announced he was going to do it.

I did not actually read that at the time because sex was the farthest thing from my mind, but just went back and checked it out. The counterpoint was helpful.

Semi-unrelated but I need to talk to some ladies about this: how is everyone’s libido, post-election? My boyfriend didn’t want to have sex for almost a week afterwards, which has got to be some kind of record for him, but I remain feeling closed for business. We attempted sex for the first time since the election this

I’d like to believe they will not pull federal funding from the city where wall street is located, regardless of how much they’d enjoy screwing over our crunchy pinko asses, but I guess you never know.

For me, it’s really just been that he has not been as progressive as he promised during his campaign (which coincidentally is why I was reluctant to get on the Bernie train - I’d seen that show before). As for why MOST people criticize him, I think he gets very similar treatment to Obama.

Except for the time he campaigned with Hillary and they accidentally made kind of a racist joke.

I was an enthusiastic supporter of BdB and it has been hard to keep loving him during his term, honestly, even though I think he has been unfairly criticized at least some of the time. But the lord bless him for working out the free museum and cultural institution membership program as part of IDNYC. That list is

I just can’t imagine he won’t go through with the inauguration. For a man whose only desire is to be the center of attention, I can’t imagine a more tempting morsel.

There are so many reasons why I love living in Brooklyn, and am so so happy to especially now, but in this time where decisive action feels a little nebulous I kind of wish I had a congressman who needed to be convinced of anything. I call his local office anyway (mostly so I could tell friends in other states that I

I think Bernie speaks to working people, especially struggling, working people, in a way no other candiate has.

I have no problem with socialism. I am basically a socialist. My point is that Bernie uses the word “socialism” in his own description of his politics, and pretending that wouldn’t have been a major problem is just silly and wrong-headed.

You doubt someone who has spent his entire career in the whitest, most liberal state in the nation could have done worse?

He’s also not actually a socialist.

“Nobody cares about the socialist label”???? These people have been “slandering” Obama with the “socialist label” for years.

I stayed home from work because I feel physically incapable of going outside. My colleagues mostly seem to have made it in, which mostly makes me feel worse.

Jesus H, what would it have been like if she HADN’T gotten the pass then?

OMG those fucking white boys. Have they learned nothing from covering this cum-splatter of white male importance of an election?