I missed that this was Ann Coulter and was like “yeah! America! We’re inclusive and it makes us better!”
Me tooooooooooooo, especially because it said “Performed by.”
To be fair, I think they were criticizing the fact that Donald Trump isn’t listing these policies on his website (though I cannot bring myself to go look at his website and see if the healthcare plan is now there...didn’t it just come out a few days ago) where as HRC’s website is a treasure trove of detailed policy.
Nice try, but I have in fact donated both platelets and leukocytes in the past month as part of my “put good into the world so that it doesn’t end on 11/8" initiative.
I can’t early vote either and I’m signed up for 8 hours of volunteering this weekend/Monday! I’m worried I’m going to break the voting machine with how hard I am going to vote.
Dammit! It is?
Phonebanking? Canvassing? Are you in the NY tri-state area? There are lots of texting events too!
Between this and the Daveed Diggs video today, I’m feeling very targeted by the media. I’M ALREADY VOTING FOR HER MEDIA AND I HAVE DONE TONS OF VOLUNTEERING AND DONATED MONEY TOOOOOOOO
Everything hurts and is bad.
Lewis also asked about Evan McMullin, who’s polling very well in Utah, where he’s from. Johnson didn’t like that either, sniffing, ““It’s a bit of a stretch to be comparing my candidacy with his,”
All the stars in the universe
Any parent who just hands their child to a stranger should be ashamed. That child did not want to be there. This is why sexual assault is such a big problem - children are repeatedly taught that they don’t get a choice in where/how/from whom they receive affection.
Uggh, sorry to hear about your parents.
I’m not sure how you read this:
I never said NYC wasn’t safe.
I mean, I think it’s critically important that he have an EPIC loss on both counts, personally. I would also literally rather set fire to my own pubic hair than cast a vote for him.
I know you are a troll, but being “a little nervous” and (obviously) still wearing my Clinton button does not make me a paranoid delusional.
Agreed. I like the Working Families Party, but they are wisely building their infrastructure from the ground up and staying local at this point. Maybe there will be a WFP presidential candidate before I die.