
And Trump supporters will call Hillary Clinton a liar with a straight face.

When he says “people don’t realize we have very strong laws” he means HE didn’t realize we already had ANY immigration laws.

I’ll tell anyone who asks, but I’m not going to just blurt out my salary at people. That’s the problem with fostering a culture like that - it makes it very uncomfortable to even bring up the topic because it’s so taboo. I’m not close with many of my coworkers (by design), so perhaps if I had more friendships within

So agreed. I was looking at the applications in our ATS for a position the other day and some of them were auto-rejected by HR with the reason “salary requirement too high.” WHY ARE YOU WASTING THAT PERSON’S TIME? There’s a range. List it.

I make $80k, but without any context of what I do, the background of my career, where I live, etc I’m not sure how helpful that is.

I mean, my job history is an entire other matter that I won’t get into, but the general issue is that by being so closed off about our salaries, we allow companies to get away with underpaying employees. The goal is equal pay for equal work, and lack of transparency makes that goal that much harder to achieve.

Congratulations, sounds like you have a penis.

Yes, there is a problem.

You don’t have to make everyone’s salary public. You should at least have salary ranges by position that are known.

Oh man that is some hardcore bullshit. For what it’s worth, I genuinely believe that my company is at least trying to do the right thing, it just bugs the shit out of me that they expect us to take their word for it without proof.

I don’t necessarily feel that I am being underpaid, but if my male coworkers are making more than I am I have no way of knowing that, and that’s a problem for me. The only reason to not talk about salaries is to firm up your own negotiating position as an employer.

That is awesome! I wish more companies would do that. I am so bothered even by the general reluctance to list salaries or salary ranges on job postings, instead making the applicant put out the first number. Like, come on - you know what you’re going to pay for this position. Stop trying to undervalue humans.

I have no doubt she knows the salaries. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true that there’s “no problem.”

Yeah, lemme definitely make 28% less money so I can get a free glass of crappy wine every now and then.

My company is super hush-hush about what peoples’ salaries are and it is very entwined with the culture (I’ve worked here two years and the only salary I know besides mine is the person who reports directly to me). I was in a meeting with HR this morning and the HR manager was talking about discrimination and she

So would Grass Fed.

Anecdata alert: My lovely but naive and not well informed former colleague voted for Christie for re-election because she “didn’t know anything about” his opponent, but thought it was important to vote. My brain nearly atrophied.

Yeah but Free Range would be a pretty good name for a drug dealer

Interesting. I wonder if 19-year-old me was just oblivious to the skeeziness, or if it is a post 2002-development.

is the theory here that teenagers are TRYING to get pregnant?