
Waterbury, CT? That seems extremely specific. I lived near there for an internship (granted, it was more than a decade ago) and I don’t remember it seeming like a hotbed of drug traffic. Did I miss something?

Whites make up 77% of the US population, and about half of that is men, so 37% of the US population is white men. Roughly 1/3 of the white people in America get a college degree, so about 11% of Americans are white males with a college degree. Over 60% of Congress is white men. So what’s your point?

It blows my damn mind that Kamala Harris will be the second black woman on the senate. What the fuck, America?

This is what I don’t get. Do people who oppose raising minimum wage not realize that by letting companies like Wal-Mart pay unliveable wages, they are agreeing to make up the difference with their taxes? Or do they want to simultaneously keep the minimum wage unliveable and get rid of welfare benefits/the ACA, and

$450k = 58,064 hours of the difference between the current federal minimum wage and a $15 minimum wage. I realize 58k hours is a drop in the bucket for Wal-Mart, but how many donations of this size are they making?

I really don’t understand what they think they have to gain.

Oh no, I fully think it is. They were like “you ever heard of that movie, Barbershop? Blacks love that movie. They made a bunch of them. Pence, go to a Barbershop.”

Is this part of reaching out to the black community?

I’m going to a business conference in Las Vegas next week, and I’m seriously considering getting a poster-sized print of my boyfriend made to bring along. If it’s good enough for Trump....

Suggestion: All women who ever consider being associated with Donald Trump in any way, ask yourself this question first.

Fully agree. I just moved in with my partner after living alone for almost 11 years. I did living alone. I think it’s an important experience for people to have, but especially in places like NYC it is a privilege that isn’t available to many.

I made no such agreement

Nobody ever accused Hillary of being an expert at off-the-cuff interactions with journalists. I’m all kinds of with her, but girl is awkward.

How dare you accuse me of wearing crocs?

I could sort of picture Donald wearing that.

I can’t help you. Learn what words mean.

I mean, I know what a seizure is. So.

Considering you don’t even understand how seizures work, I’m not sure why you think you have the medical authority to make statements on how anyone’s body works. But you don’t.

I have explained to you what seizures are, and why it wasn’t a seizure, several times. I’m sorry your reading comprehension is so terrible and the only thing you can think of to do is yell “SEIZURE” over and over again.

Find another example. I’ll wait.