
“I love my sister! It’s just that we disagreed on whether or not she deserved to be alive”

If all you have to say is the same nonsense assertion over and over again, we’re done here. I recommend watching some videos of people having actual seizures and see if you can find one where the person smiles and picks up their conversation as the seizure ends and hangs on to their frosty beverage throughout.

You can keep saying that; it will not suddenly become true.

You can keep saying it was a seizure over and over again, but it wasn’t.

Not a seizure.

I sure do! I have several friends who are unfortunately living with seizure disorders. It’s not a thing that affects you for five seconds and then you immediately pick up the conversation where you left off, still grinning.

Do you know what a seizure is? Have you seen one happen, ever?

You know you’re posting videos of the same thing over and over again right?

1) Hillary Clinton is too old to experience “early onset” anything.

It’s a portmanteau for jean shorts

So I’ve heard

I would fully support her making a policy speech in a full suit of armor.

I don’t criticize them either. But I’m currently wearing cut-off jorts at my job wear I hold a relatively senior position, so I generally don’t criticize anyone’s clothing.

And then we criticize her “boxy” outfits that she has to wear to accommodate her bullet proof vest.

That’s why early onset was in quotes :) It’s a ridiculous statement either way, but he proved he can’t even use basic medical terminology correctly right there in his “diagnosis,” and yet some people (idiots) think his assessment holds any weight.

My favorite so far was Martin Shkreli (noted expert at remote diagnostics) proclaiming she has “early onset” Parkinson’s, at 68 years old.

Yes! That too!

No, they don’t.

We aren’t talking nearly enough about Anne Holton.

Not snarking. I haven’t been keeping up with this whole comment thread.