So do we need to start some kind of White Escort service for POC people who wish to vote, a la Planned Parenthood?
So do we need to start some kind of White Escort service for POC people who wish to vote, a la Planned Parenthood?
Have you ever looked at a subway map? There’s a lot of New York that does not live near a running subway station.
I’m pretty sure you’re never allowed to just demand ID from a random person on the street. I’m not sure what else they could do?
Beyond the Morgan stop on the L, there are other options (connecting to M at Myrtle) and it’s not like the L won’t be running IN Brooklyn. There’s also the G at Metropolitan, which will take you to the A/C or E/M - yes, less convenient, but doable. I’m not saying there isn’t a problem with having enough accessible and…
I mean, go ahead and sit up all night for the next 80+ days worrying about this if it suits you. But I will say that it definitely will keep MORE people away from the polls if the attitude we take is “NOTHING CAN STOP THIS.”
What can we say? The intimidation story is the only part of this that accuses the actual Presidential candidate of doing anything, and it is pretty subjective even if true.
I worry about that too, but it’s a different kind of worry than fearing an actual uprising against the government
But also, isn’t that super illegal?
I keep worrying about this too, and then I try to calm myself by remembering that his supporters are the minority, his fervent supporters are a minority in that minority, and his fervent supporters who would actually get violent are a minority within a minority within a minority, and also basically the stupidest…
Prrreeeettty sure it’s the girlfriend who can do better
I really need to know what the actual instructions are. Are they...going to watch people vote? If they want to “observe” people voting instead of voting themselves I’m okay with that.
Cool job missing the point.
No, I’m not more worried about being viewed as rude. I’m angry that those are my choices.
It’s “bending over backwards” to not hug a stranger?
For real. I hate when people like, WHEN THEY FIRST MEET YOU, are like “I’m a hugger!” and just go in for a hug. NO. I don’t give a shit who you are. Can I punch you and say “I’m a puncher!”?
As someone who HATES it when people I don’t really know very well and trust touch me (I don’t even love hugging my parents, but I’ll do it) this is the cringiest shit in the world. Especially since our society doesn’t give us a delicate way to say no without being apologetic about it and possibly being viewed as rude.
Upon reading again, I see it says there is no type of recourse for inappropriate conduct between delegates of any kind. That they don’t have a specific sexual assault problem is definitely an issue, but if they didn’t have ANY policies about ANY type of inappropriate conduct between delegates it doesn’t seem like such…
They should absolutely have a policy for this, but I’m interested if there are stated policies on other types of violence/conflict between delegates. Like if one delegate punched another in the face, is there a policy for handling that? And if so, why couldn’t that policy be used for this incident? Assault is assault.
Uh, they have covered her a bunch, as recently as last week, and also there is Johnson so that’s five candidates. However, they are all “third party” candidates.
Jeb is the leading cause of second hand embarrassment, a representative of WHO confirmed.