Isn’t it too late for him to get on the ballot?
Isn’t it too late for him to get on the ballot?
Interesting! I didn’t know you couldn’t, though it makes sense. But somehow I doubt that’s why he modified his speech. Do you think HE knows he can’t appoint all his kids to cabinet positions?
I can’t IMAGINE why they aren’t doing it. I would pay money to have the opportunity to call Trump on a lie to his face.
Like he would take a call from a minority.
For someone who is constantly lauded by morons as “saying what he’s thinking,” it’s impressively rare that he states that something is his actual view. It’s always “I know people will say” “People are saying” “I’ve heard.” He can’t even say that he wants his own daughter on his cabinet?
I think officiating weddings and vow renewals could be Joe’s very own Goldman Sachs. “Earn me some serious Tubmans”
Where do I sign up to have Joe Biden officiate my wedding?
Uggghhh reminds me when I was hanging out with a former coworker who quit his job to WORK IN AN ICE CREAM TRUCK, and when I expressed frustration about his former/my current workplace he was like “You should just quit too! Why stay at a job you don’t like?”
And at least when she talks her mouth doesn’t look like it’s literally about to squeeze out a turd.
These poor little white boys who might be 16 before they have a chance to see a white male president. How will they know it is even possible?
Yeah that too...why would I care if I hadn’t been born?
My mom got pregnant when she was in college and had an abortion. If she’d had a baby then she wouldn’t have been able to move to NYC for grad school and meet my dad!
I wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for abortion. I love telling forced birthers that fun fact.
Trying so hard to not drop everything and go track down all the mental gymnasts I fought with yesterday about whether this was a “coincidence” because “there are only so many things you can say in a first lady speech”
I have to believe that the person responsible for this knew they were going to get caught. The GOP is stupid and Trump’s staff is a full on clown car, but this just seems so calculated to make them look bad. That being said, it’s not like one person wrote this and then bam, it was on the teleprompter. Dozens of people…
From what I understand, he is pro TPP
I prefer “Forced Birthers” they are not pro anything.
This is the guy who wanted to force women to have burials for their miscarriages. That is the only sentence about him anyone should need to hear.
I love how we can invade the privacy and right to due process of a sizable segment of the population but not allowing guns to be sold on instagram is OVER THE LINE
I genuinely cannot fathom how people are still lying to themselves into voting for him, or thinking somehow he and Hillary are equivalent in any way and it’s not worth voting for her to try to stop him. Unfortunately I have yet to find someone of this mind whose thoughts are comprehensible enough for me to learn…