
Yeah but then they’d be trying to increase the number of white fetuses that get aborted, right? I’m sure white baby parts are worth more on the black market.

True. This is why I support a tipped wage for congress. $2.13 an hour, and you can keep anything your constituents send to you.

Is there a fetal melanin test?

We are still paying them to talk about it and vote on it, while not talking about or voting on things that actually matter.

Who would they even be required to tell? And couldn’t they just say “I can’t afford to have the baby” if they know their real reason for it is illegal? What, are they going to be sworn in? Given a lie detector test? This is unenforceable garbage.

Also, that’s unfortunate but....oh well? Women are under no obligation to tell anyone why they are seeking an abortion.

So the theory here is that the reason more African American women seek out abortion is not that they are more likely to face economic hardship and lack of access to birth control, but rather that they don’t want black babies? Just want to make sure I understand.

Do you also think "Bitch" is divorced from its gendered nature?

There is nobody in 2016 who doesn't understand the n-word to mean "black person." Is it cool to use it in a speech?

Another key difference: One was a dumb joke, the other was a serious statement.

Unlike the MULTIPLE articles on Gawker about the very important topic of Hillary being adjacent to a stupid joke with racial undertones that she did not write, which was hard-hitting issues-based political coverage.

What is this nonsense article about someone referring to a specific female political candidate (I don't care if he denied it, he was referring to her) as a whore in front of thousands of people? You can do better than this, Jezebel. Come on.

I flip it over and eat the base first, leaving me with pure cheesecake goodness. Because the yellow cake is wrong, but wasting cake is worse.

My sole quibble with Junior’s is that I do not care for the yellow cake on the bottom. Graham cracker or bust! But it’s probably good that there is that minor imperfection, because I do not live far from Junior’s and I can’t afford to buy new pants all the time.

I do think there are things the government should not be able to force people to do, but if you are in the business of doing that thing, you are never being "forced" to do it.

There’s a simple solution if you don’t want to do business with everyone who is willing and able to pay for your services: Don't be in business.

It’s not. I work in the gifting business, and the government can’t tell me to sell cereal instead. But they can tell me that I have to sell my product to everyone who has the means to buy it. Why would that be a problem for me?

It is really driving me crazy how everyone is calling her by her first name all the time, whereas the male candidates are being called basically exclusively by their last names (with, yes, the exception of Jeb, but that is really Jeb's own fault). We all know which Clinton is running for president. People aren't going

I have the best answer to this one. My mom DID have an abortion in the 70’s. Because she did, she was able to continue in college, graduate, and move to NYC for grad school, where she met my father. I literally exist because of abortion.

Yeah but it’s just silly to pretend that ANY cheese/dairy is produced without slaughtering animals. To give milk, cows need to give birth. What do we think happens to all the calves, especially the male ones? What do we think happens to the cows who can no longer give birth? They don’t get to go to a retirement