I don’t deny that, and it is yet another reason why we need to stop large corporations from undercharging for things by doing things like exploiting their workers.
What an effective counterpoint. You must be very proud.
Did you miss “The restaurant gets a huge fine”, the beginning of my paragraph where I described the back pay?
No. There is not enough money for everyone to earn 100% more.
And? The fact remains that if you can’t afford to be in business you deserve to go out of business because your business has failed. If your business is surviving only because your employees aren’t making a living wage, you deserve to fail.
Never in history have fast food restaurants been staffed entirely by part time employees, so you’re just making up a thing you want to be true. Why you want it to be true, I have no idea. But you are making it up.
So your suggestion is that all restaurants, including corporations, will employ solely illegals in entry level positions and pay them below minimum wage?
If they aren’t already investing in this technology because they are sociopathic dickheads (spoiler alert: they are) then even a 100% increase in the cost of their lowest paid workers would not make it worthwhile where it wasn't before. That is how pathetically these people are paid.
This will happen the exact second it is possible and will increase their profits (expecting that they will need to make a huge increase in their expenditures on things like technology support and maintenance). Increasing the minimum wage is not going to make that time come any sooner.
How so?
Never for a second trust anyone who tells you that cinnamon + meat is a winning combination.
Isn’t butter in the coffee a Paleo thing? Not that early man had coffee OR butter, but I still thought they were associated somehow. Just another reason to hate this nonsense, is all I am saying.
The Batman shooting was clearly an attempt to get at the largest number of people at once. Opening night of a summer blockbuster vs. Thursday evening showing of a movie that is clearly aimed at a female audience. Is this really that hard for you?
Yes, he definitely chose Trainwreck because he wanted to shoot women AND men. There was absolutely not a strong likelihood that this particular movie would have had a higher proportion of women in the audience. Absolutely, a man with documented issues with women having rights and power would not be particularly…
There is an ocean of nuance in between what you are classifying as “non-elective” and pills taken simply to prevent pregnancy. But even if there weren’t, this would still be about discrimination.
No, birth control is not the issue. Comprehensive health coverage is the issue. Birth control is part of comprehensive health coverage for many, many, many (many!) women, for many (many!) reasons. Women who follow the same moral code as these nuns believe everyone should follow will probably find the health coverage…
They are discriminating against non-Catholics. You can discriminate either against a particular group or against people who are NOT in a particular group. Discriminating against all non-whites is just as illegal as discriminating against only blacks.
Here’s the problem. Freedom of religion means ANY AND ALL religions are valid. So if I have a religion where only white people are allowed to play baseball, I am allowed to practice that religion under the law. As a private citizen, I am also allowed to own a sporting goods store. I am NOT allowed, however, to only…
Yeah but the problem with that is NOT that the bakery’s fine is too large.