Sure, I felt that way as a child. Now I am an adult.
Sure, I felt that way as a child. Now I am an adult.
You do understand that comparing 9/11 to a lesbian wedding is insane, right?
They don’t have to agree. They have to comply with the law. If they can’t comply with the law they have no business having a business.
People who did nothing wrong are constantly affected by the wrongdoings of others. Maybe that’s the fault of the wrongdoers?
Why wouldn’t we want to upset all the bigots?
I literally said that I knew it was part of the servers job that they are expected to do, and I understand that just because I don’t like it personally is no reason to take it out on the servers. That was my entire post.
My desire for the Republicans to actually have to answer to the shitstorm that would happen if 6 million Americans were suddenly without health insurance because of their nonsense fought HARD with my good-personness that never wants anyone to be without necessary medical care. I’m glad the right side won anyway.
It’s clear from some of these responses that I wasn’t plainly clear that this is a personal preference and one that I recognize is personal and in no way do I think it should become the standard just because it’s what I want. HOWEVER, I think most waiters are capable of reading a situation and they can see if people…
The economics of eating out? Is this a valid specialization now?
I will never understand this attitude. I HATE the two minute check or whatever it’s called, when the waiter comes over to see if everything’s okay when you have taken 0-2 bites of your food. But it would never occur to me to blame the waiter for that. It literally happens at every single restaurant. Does he think all…
You've my heart too, Pinkham! Thank you for understanding how special it is to get yelled at for wasting the time of someone who just used freeze gel as an apertif.
Nice job getting in the trifecta!
I don't debate with people who call me "bitch" and "retard." I have a sense of how terrible someone's life must be if they have to go bully strangers on the internet, so I just hope you're okay.
You seem classy
To be fair, it COULD be wrong in the post, depending upon the country of origin of the spirits they will be serving ;-)
False. False. False.
I'm confused by the tone. Why is it so angsty? Into the Woods is dark, but it's a dark COMEDY.
I totally agree that it's gross. I just think that it's weird that people are treating it like something exceptional. This HAS to be what happens every. single. season. Also, let's be real, the entire concept of reality TV dating is gross.
Admittedly, I do not watch The Bachelor. However, I find it hard to believe that in all the years the show has been on there has never been a man who slept with both of the final two contestents, both of whom were "in love" with him, when he was obviously about to break up with one of them. I thought that was sort…