
30 PERcent. For the same job. FTFY.

Meanwhile, at ages maybe 8/10 or 9/11, my sister and I switched Barbie's legs with Ken's legs and trimmed off some of her hair and glued it to her crotch area, then showed it to our mom and told her it was "Reality Barbie." It's still one of her proudest moments as a parent.

I remember people freaking out for similar reasons about In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak, one of my absolute favorite books as a child. I probably already knew what a penis was by the time I read it, because my mom thinks bodies are normal and everyone has one.

So he thought he could calm everyone down by bringing rape into the conversation? Talk about needing to learn to think.

So you're saying he said to himself "I think I want to explain basic logic to my million twitter followers. What sort of real world example shall I use? Oh, I know, rape and pedophilia!"

I....don't think that is the typical image that is conjured when people refer to date rape. I also don't think that was Dawkins' point.

Actually, the thing that makes his point completely invalid is that by saying "at knifepoint" he specifies a detail about the "stranger rape," and then compares it to "date rape" with no details. Was the girl roofied? That's still "date rape." Was she saying no, but he proceeded anyway? Still "date rape." DATE RAPE

Yes, that's true. There is absolutely no reason to ever discuss hypothetical levels of rape badness in a public forum, with strangers. Anyone with a trace of **LOGIC** could have predicted how this would turn out. The fact that he did it and then got all pissy when it blew up in his face is puzzling at best.

I thought it was Lisa Simpson

Too bad it was impossible for him to not quantify rape badness on Twitter at all.

So you can't be raped at knifepoint by someone you know?

First of all, I'm terribly sorry that happened to you. But I don't think the point is to say that you're wrong. You can also fear for your life while being date raped, but that's not the point either. The point is, I think, in general, that there is literally no point to making this argument.

What exactly is he trying to accomplish here? Sure, saying violent stranger rape is "worse" than date rape doesn't necessarily imply endorsement of date rape but....why are we needing to rank types of rape?

Catharsis. Nobody is getting named. "I hope they serve their purpose" kind of smacks of a desperate need to feel superior too. FYI.

I blame this entire "Why do you need FREE birth control" mess on the fact that we have taught Americans to believe marketing like "Free corn muffins with this crappy buffet you are paying for." I'm betting the crossover is pretty wide.

I immediately thought "Immigrants?" And then was like wait, no, that CAN'T be right.

Probably I'd also have to stop saying "Well, you're lucky you've got your looks" every time she does something clumsy.

My cat needs feminism. I'm constantly telling her that if she doesn't want me to pick her up, she should stop being so cute and fluffy.

You forgot this classic!

I had a coworker who was registered at 3 different places, and she had multiple versions of various items on each registry. I counted and between the 3 registries she had set herself up to receive up to 7 scales. Like, for weighing yourself. That's just one example. Do peoples' brains actively stop working when they