
No, we should not be allowed to kill babies who are born and viable outside the womb. Anymore questions?

No. Replace most of those with "fetus" and the answer is still no. The only "yes" is brain, however it is an undeveloped brain that does not yet have the ability to think or comprehend. So basically no.

Baby-shaped =/= baby. The vast majority of abortions after 20 weeks are because the mother and/or baby will not survive pregnancy and birth. Your point has no validity.

Yes! Because 0 babies have died during abortion!

Before my current relationship I was at just over six and a half years. Nobody I wanted to do it with. Meh.

The....anal retaliation?

Sorry, disagree with what? Kinja is not showing me which post you are replying to.

I got fired from my first job out of culinary school for being sick when I was 20 years old. I was working as a pastry cook and myself and the intern, who'd been there longer than I had, were the only ones there. I had a 104 degree fever and there was one table left in the restaurant, which had officially closed. We'd

Nerp. Doesn't work that way. Because all misogynists are assholes. If you disagree, give me an example of a misogynistic viewpoint that is not the viewpoint of an asshole.

If you decide what you believe in as an individual based on some random person's behavior, I feel sorry for you.

I don't think you're opposed to gender equality. It's fine if you don't call yourself a feminist, or if you disagree with some of the tenets of the mainstream movement. I'm not a particularly active feminist and I don't generally self-identify as one. However, I also told a colleague in no uncertain terms that I would

Supporting gender equality IS feminism. Do you really not see the difference between choosing not to parade around holding up a sign that says "FEMINIST" and saying that you actively do not believe in equal rights for women? I hate to break it to you, but these women are not saying "I don't refer to myself as a

I get what they are talking about. However, if I made the decision about what to like or support based upon the behavior of the most awful people who liked or supported that same thing, I cannot think of a single thing I would be able to like or support. Can you?

This is the problem with basically every ideology/belief system/fantasy that exists. Most people are assholes. Assholes are loud.

Indeed. Choosing to look at the behavior of some random judgey douchebags and define an entire EXTREMELY IMPORTANT movement by their behavior rather than learning what the actual intent of the movement is is just another form of being a random judgey douchebag. Weird how that works.

Your last paragraph says "I'm not a feminist. I believe in feminism. Most feminists I've met aren't feminists." Just FYI.

They may well have existed, because a lot of women/people are awful, but judging /criticizing/demeaning someone else's choices is pretty anti-feminism.

I think the word you are looking for is "assholes." They were assholes. Assholes can "self-identify" as anything they'd like. Still assholes.

Hey, I would totes be on board with a non-invasive procedure that meant no periods until it was babytime! I just don't want anyone else telling me to get it.

Cool, but we can all agree as a society that killing and raping is a no go, and killing the earth isn't in our best interests - although within both of those topics there is still an unsettling amount of disagreement about what is and isn't acceptable. However, you will NEVER see a society get together and agree who