
Or, just a crazy, random, suggestion, we could make sure affordable birth control is available to everyone and everyone is fully educated on how to have safe sex!

Who gets to set the parameters? Because you do realize that the government just took away the right of women to get birth control, right? Do you want those same people deciding who is "fit" to be a parent? Because I'm guessing atheists, homosexuals, scientists who believe in science, etc might have trouble making the

It's a right because your body does it naturally, with nobody's permission necessary. Just like it's a fundamental right to breathe, defecate, grow hair, etc.

I agree with your first point (though to your second point, many women do make the first move). I think rape culture combined with the rise of internet dating has made it extremely difficult to approach someone in public when you think you might genuinely be interested in him/her. It often feels like it is just no

I usually roll my eyes and keep walking. That's the best response I can come up with - how sad it is that we have to weigh the pros and cons of these reactions? The other day a dude yelled at me on the street because I was thinking about a work situation I was stressed about, and apparently my stress was showing on my

Is this part of pro-abstinence sex ed?

When I was 9 and my sister was 11, in the early 1990's, we took the public bus from our elementary school in Greenwich Village to our apartment in midtown. All. The. Time. Nobody ever arrested our Mom.

Where I used to work we had an employee apply for a job that included a Saturday shift, and then claim he couldn't work the Saturday shift because he was an observant Jew and it's the sabbath. We then told him that he wasn't eligible for the job because it was a Tuesday-Saturday job, and he tried to threaten

So should the owners of closely-held corporations be liable for murder if a death is caused by one of their products?

They are not paying for any healthcare that their employee gets using the insurance for which they contribute to premiums. They are paying for their employee to show up and do his or her job. That is all they will ever, ever get for the price of their portion of the premiums.

A law was passed and upheld many times that guaranteed contraceptive coverage for insured individuals. Now the company you work for can take that right away because of religious beliefs, which a for-profit company should not even be able to have, and which oppose scientific fact. That is a problem.

It definitely SHOULD not be about saving money (and I don't think it would be anyway, since it's doubtful that insurance plan premiums will be reduced by reducing preventative care.). It is supposedly entirely about religious beliefs and morality. Of course, what it is ACTUALLY about is throwing a hissy fit because

Where does this wanky belief come from that women are not paying for birth control they get through their insurance? I am a top level executive at a small business and my employer pays 50% of my insurance premium. So I pay about $225 per month for my insurance. Because I'm thankfully healthy, most months my birth