Chocolate Eating Jacket

still love this show, but the plot mechanics are broken. Emmit didn't go to the police when Varga initially took over his company because doing so would implicate himself in money laundering, and he'd go to jail. Now he wants to come clean, even if that means he goes to jail for his brother's death, but he still won't

I don't care about Portugal. The Man but Danger Mouse should stop producing rock records, he sucks the life out of everything he touches with the exception of maybe Gnarls Barkley.



also why did Jay-Z (and by association, Beyonce) get a free pass for Jay's verses in 'Drunk In Love'? No real feminist would touch that song with a 100-foot pole.

I thought we were talking about my ability to comprehend the point of this story, not my music criticism skills. If you have a rebuttal to the implication of general consensus in a list like this, please proceed.

dude in dumb band has dumb opinions

Donating money to a for-profit company is for suckers. He's not even bringing the show back, he's just expanding an app. Blurgh.

dubstep was always druggy, including before the US ruined it.