
I know what coercion means you keep doing what you do and I hope no one accuse you of forced sex by coercion because you will not what that means, I hope you will believe your lawyer then.

I did that too.

Ammosexual = lots of stars.

Boobs are a magnet for crumbs and other kinds of little pieces of food.

I loved the ghosthly-bat-demon.

I am still thinking of the Taylor sandwich.

I am old.

The failure here is the school system since you do not know how to read and I will not help you with that.

In a tipical Mexican everyday meal you have all the carbs, you have corn, wheat and rice, and desert.

It is, avocado stains are a bitch.

A lot of people wanted communism installed in Mexico in those times and that is not a crime.

Padre is priest.

She was not white at all, her father was German and her mother was Mexican. She was mixed race.

And this is why I do not cook for primates.

“And this is why, mommy, I do not believe in Santa, Jesus, the tooth fairy and Satan anymore"

I do that if I am cold. Hate the feeling of cold on mine.

Oh my god he wants her.

Sometimes for breakfast I eat a sandwich consisting of egg, avocado and mayo.

Avocados are expensive now because between June and July you run out of the old avocados and you need to wait for the new ones.

Please no.