It's ridiculous, yes.
It's ridiculous, yes.
Happy Birthday Gwen!
I am that handy.
Maybe I can have one now...
I think I love you.
It is Trader Joe’s, they sell some of the same stuff with a different package.
I have wanted to have my own shopping cart for all my life.
If you are vegan or vegetarian you probably are worried about lard on tortillas.
I go to mass sometimes and eat the communion waffer and persignate and that kind of stuff. I don’t know what is hard to understand.
You are starting to pissing me off.
I love when people start using insults when they don’t know what to say.
Why are you so worried about my lack of faith?
Apostate means another thing, the word you are looking for is perfidiæ.
Thank you!
And you called me dumbass.
One thing is believing in God and another thing is if god actually exists, let me tell you, it doesn’t.
And you even call me dumbass, I don’t know what do you care what I believe and what I don’t.