
I hate pickles too!

It’s McDonald’s...

I don’t know if I should laugh about this.

Yes, the way he wrote his post sounds so condescending.

I have a first name, a middle name and two last names, so my actual name is long, so long that never fits on any paper, but it is mine.

If it is such a big deal then why getting married?

That is not a super young age...

She is so lucky :/


Exactly, I don’t get the confusion here.

I have two last names and also my kids, yes, people get confused.

Hi first time commenter!

Yes, of course, I was speaking of my experience, I don’t know how it is where you live, but teachers here in Alabama, not all obviously but the majority, tell the parents to speak English to their kids, so the kids don’t get confused.

And nothing I wrote contradicts that.


People where I live are very kind to me when they meet me for the first time, I have an accent, so I get questioned my ethnicity a lot, usually I am asked if I am Italian or from Spain, when I say I am Mexican they don’t speak to me ever again, usually.

And thanks to people like this Blondie people still do that, lots of Mexican kids are forbidden to speak Spanish at home.

If she would care about her roots she would not be saying such stupid things.

As well as trump.