
911 hands down - before they went to electronic steering - now I'd take the jag because different. The merc is nice, but not quite. The 'vette has never been an option. For all those who pick cars that are not on the list - you're cowards who missed the point of this exercise. If you want to go that route pick a

He was probably lying, but on some level you believed him - why? Im sure he does this once or twice a week...

ABARTH. because two doors. If Ford brought the 3-door like they get in Europe it might be a contest, but it's not. Add to that I live in a city. New York City. No suburbs. Stop n' go. Tight 90º corners... Love my ABARTH. And yes it was 19K...

"If war is the answer, you are asking the wrong question"

Another "blame the victim" argument... Never been on a bike have you? I have been hit twice by cars and the whole time I was thinking "he wouldn't, he cant be, he wouldn't ..." There is no lack of awareness, just disbelief in the face of stupidity. So thanks for your assumption but it isn't true. All cyclists watch

@eric. You're an idiot, see all the replies, saves me the trouble. As for your #3 - taxes pay for the roads, not title, reg and plate fees. do the math - you think title reg and plate fees pay for the whole road system? If you are from NY think of all the public trans riders who are paying for and not using the roads.

Riding on the sidewalk is illegal, bikes and cars share the same rules of the road. But since you're an "asshole driver" I shouldn't be surprised you don't know that. Cyclists have as much right to the road as cars. Period.

These are like skinny jeans for "large" people, a horrible compromise. The 500L is even worse. A perfect example of trying to be cool aint cool: if your life doesn't fit the mini, don't buy a mini.

The tach goes to 8k but if you pay attention you'll see that 6,7 and 8 are red as are the rectangular indicators just to the right of the numbers. So that "pussy" is actually revving right up to the redline - just over 5K. I'll bet whatever you drive has numbers above the redline as well

Im going to buy a house in Italy, near Lucca in fact, just so I can buy one of these to drive around in all day...

I saw one in Florida while visiting the in-laws last christmas. It had drawn a small crowd and even my wife said it was such a pretty car but what is it? When I got over being tongue-tied I said it was a Datsun 240Z. This being FL, nobody claimed to know about Datsun so I had to explain to all gathered the

The Honda is a hydrogen fueled car, its not electric. Huge difference between the two and he stresses that in the episode.

That was last years car - a V8, you can hear it. F1 teams usually use the last years car for PR. They wouldn't risk damaging a current seasons car for something like this. Plus they guard their upcoming designs and wouldn't reveal it in a between-season event like this

Everything guns can accomplish has been accomplished here.

I dated an aussie for a few years and they are, um... enthusiastic people. Across the fucking board. Her brothers all sounded just like this. Its a long trip but its worth the visit

WOW, so many racist know-nothings with their fantasies of NYC/urban crime. Im more scared for you than your "four black guys/thugs" coming to rob me. Enjoy your DUI, traffic jams, tickets and other idiots on the road.

For every non-NYer who chimes in with their crappy story about the horror of NY subways or attitude in general about public trans- I can get drunk as hell anytime and take the train home. I can only hope no car drivers brag that they can do the same and drive home. When I want the car for pleasure, its there. Its not

Batventador... just the name LULZ. And was that was a woman driving? Die stereotypes die! (thank god those were/looked like non-adhesive decals - fingers crossed)

A lie! Drive up in a E-type jag and you're in. In. A Lambo, any Lambo and its not going to happen. And nothing american except a pre 68 mustang. A Porsche or Ferrari is OK as long as its pre 70s... OK, across the board pre 70s works if your not anal and if its the jag you let her drive it. Something too conspicuous

That thing reminds me of something that would be used in a vintage Japanese monster Godzilla movie or Ultraman TV show. The Science Patrol would use this to attack some guy in a rubber monster suit... Totally cool looking but you just know it wouldn't work. Not really