What stereo types does it confirm. The stereo type that these two guys are dumb and killed an innocent person?
What stereo types does it confirm. The stereo type that these two guys are dumb and killed an innocent person?
While OPs nastinessis excessive, you’re finding out how large the “Loves Deadspin, hates Gawker” crowd is. You’ve been posting about politics, but the editorial voice was different, and better, IMO (and obviously others’ too).
Jizz mopper
Yeah, well I've been reading Deadspin longer than you've been posting here. And I never personally insulted you. So how about you show some class and keep it respectful.
I don’t understand why there is any debate about this.
I kind of hate how shitty Gawker writers are now writing for Deadspin about crap that has nothing to do with sports.
Umm, it was more than half of all the private people that she met with during her reign. It was clearly the means to gain her ear, to gain access. She was, therefore, selling her public office. What about people who lack the means to give millions to the Foundation for Graft and Influence Peddling, are they to be shut…
I believe LeBron James completely gave up in that Game 6 loss against the Celtics.
This is why the Bernie Bro rabble-rousers at the DNC this week make me bang my head on the wall. JUST STOP IT WITH YOUR SHIT AND UNIFY.
Right? So ridiculous. Bill and Hillary have always had an open marriage which pisses off Catholics but is actually a really progressive way to stay together and support each other. All the talk about Bill comes from the Catholic Church which... has its own issues obviously.
Oh wow. Is there any greater gift that Trump could have given us?
The answers to both of your questions are literally in the first sentence of the article.
Who better to take advice on taking less shots than Carmelo Anthony?
No, there is an additional reason aside from jealousy to not like this move. That reason is entertainment. You know, the whole reason we watch sports. Do you like to know the endings to movies before you even start watching them? This season is going to be boring as hell. I have no desire to watch a team roll through…
Exactly this. I think if you are going to have a draft at all then it is unfair and ridiculous to only require it for men. And I also believe that every single job in the military should be only based on the mental and/or physical requirements to do the job, not gender. Can’t carry over 100 lbs on your back for miles…
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California intended it as “gotcha amendment,” because he didn’t think liberals would vote to draft women.
All the more power to him considering that the next president of the United States considers that position to be “alarmingly anti-semitic.”
Man, that guy in the back who stood up and yelled, “STICK TO SPORTS!” was out of line.