
I just keep my $200ks in little wads tucked into the pockets of my back-of-the-closet/don’t-know-when-I’ll-wear-these-again tuxedos for safe keeping.

“In fact, some questioned the veteran photographer’s ability to light brown skin—a suggestion not only insulting to Leibowitz, but also to the aesthetic she has so deliberately developed and diplomatically adhered to throughout her now 50-year career.”

It’s just the beginning.

Congratulations on having the dumbest take of the day. Your award is in the mail. 

You sound nice. 

China’s “social ranking” system, is indeed terrifying. However all they’ve done is take what happens in every country across the world based on appearance, wealth, education, fitness, ethnicity, gender, social standing, and family connections, and put a real number on it.

As a CBC (Canadian Born Chinese):

I guess each country has different standards for “Goth”

I’m not hating that combination.

There’s an edit of this movie poster going around Reddit with Leo’s head replaced by Bojack’s, and Brad’s by Mr. Peanutbutter.  Brad makes an extremely convincing Mr. Peanutbutter. 

They want to believe in the ‘Magic Negro’ myth so bad...

Its just another iteration of the magical negro syndrome. Obama and by extension Black people cannot cure racism. That is something white people need to do. And since its on them to do the right thing, racism will be here until the Sun dies.

Millenials Don’t Vote

This is the best description of Tavis Smiley... ever!

They say we have to work twice as hard to get half as much. Well, Obama would’ve had to work 100x as hard to overcome 400 years of white supremacy. 8 years x 100 is 800 years. The math checks out!

Every time I ask someone what more was Obama was supposed to do for the black community, I either hear crickets or things that only a dictator or king would do. It just proves that a lot of fucking people don’t understand what the president can and cannot do.

I didn’t express this properly in my original comment, but I totally get it skeeving you out. I personally can’t abide the “cheese” that goes on cheesy nachos/hot dogs/etc.—it comes from a can bigger than my head and bad. And something in me totally rejects all things Burger King. I think it’s maybe like

I think the old man might have been trying to take out the hot sauce guy. Who slams their foot down on the accelerator pedal when reversing unless they’re running from the cops? Grandpa’s a psychopath who misjudged his victim’s lust for spice.

The only time I got true food poisoning, the onset was within a couple hours. That was from eating something tainted at a salad bar. Eating actually poisonous food, which seems like a high probability here, can straight-up kill you in those few hours.