My question is, how does one get permission?
My question is, how does one get permission?
Yeah, “getting permission” is begging for people to go, “My [black, native, hispanic, etc] friend said it was OK!” and to just leave it at that. Not a great way of putting it. It’s more of a “do you feel that, if asked, the majority of people in the culture would agree that you’re not shitting over their legacy or…
It’s a tough line for me to walk because I scoffed at the “getting permission” thing. It’s not like I can go to the Council of Blackness and get an okay.
It’s about the homework that you put in, (“you” is “a person who makes the art or food or whatever”). Do you know where the thing comes from? Do you know its story, and the people who make it? Can you look them in the eye and have pretty much all of them agree that you aren’t just stealing their shit or doing…
Gah, if it is, then it would be because of the “older dad” thing. Which is actually proven by science. Unlike the fucking anti-vax shit.
I’m a thirty-something white hipster in LA, that movie was basically made exclusively for me)
I mean have you seen British food? its a miracle food isn’t worse.
“It’s satire” would have worked if she hadn’t concluded the bit by saying we should stay home and ignore them.
(It’s also kinda interesting to see the criticism of the Fey criticism coming down to “well, y’all just don’t understand satire.” Like people who called her out just aint smart enough to get it.)
My favorite part of that night was seeing Ryan Gosling off to the side of the stage, laughing his azz off once it was announced that Moonlight actually won. He made me hate him the slightest bit less in that moment.
White people ruin all ethnic food.
I actually read a compelling argument about Tina Fey’s bit that it was a satire on white privilege. Spoiler alert: I have a feeling a lot of people who saw it missed that and are now “sheet caking” unironically!
22. Statues
I didn’t think that it was possible to ruin fried chicken but That article you linked to makes a compelling case.
The Academy Award for Best Picture
1. Tiki torches
Which is then recharged by the alternator.
Every day you go 300,000 miles in your Volvo and 351,000 miles in your Toyota? sounds legit.
This also assumes that the alternator is running the lights directly. However it’s more accurate that the lights are being run from the battery and are not a direct draw to the alternator.
It’s always been a goal of mine to make Jalopnik the best source for turn indicator-related information and…