
Let’s focus on what’s important. The E-mails.

Totally. Seems like the better approach would be teaching how to read and accommodate people.

Probably going to want to shave most of it off to form a mohawk, anyway. That seems to be a popular post-apocalyptic look.

Remember when it was an “if” and not a “when” situation? Can we just go back to when the worst thing a president did was get a blowjob?

Yeah, like Imma be worried about bounce and body when the sky is literally on fire.

Not masturbating doesn’t make someone “innocent’ FFS. Although that speaks to why you can “relate” to capt.dunce.

Plenty of women don’t necessarily know their own bodies and what gets them off best, either. Lack of open conversation about sexual pleasure cuts a lot of ways, and it could be that an app makes the ideas feel “legitimized” or easier to talk to about. It seems like the app is a collaborative thing for the pair of

I just figured my sister was naturally quiet. Little did I know it was her Native background making her that way.

They did this big ol abstinence only presentation at my texas highschool. They did this thing where they asked all of the boys whether it was ok to hit a woman, and then they put a boxing glove on a teenage boy and asked whether it was now ok to hit women. This was their metaphor for condoms. This is also one of the

The insecurity of some dudes when it comes to their proficiency in bed is truly, truly mind boggling. His wife brings him something that excites her and could make sex a lot more fun for her, and he has a panic attack because it doesn’t revolve around him? The prospect of actually learning about her anatomy and how it

...But he’s so CHIVALROUS all the time!

“and if you get pregnant or infected because you don’t know what you’re doing, go fuck yourself you’re on your own because we just cut all services that could help you”

True, it is hard to discern the motivations of fictional straw monsters conjured by MRA assholes.

“Abstinence only,” or “don’t have sex, and when you do anyway, don’t have it well or safely and be scared of everything.”

Guaranteed way to kill sex: “orgasm quota.”

I treat her very well, I give her preference in nearly everything, and am chivalrous (not just an act) every single day. She makes me very happy, and is very sweet, beautiful, smart and loveable.

Jeez... this line, “I treat her very well, I give her preference in nearly everything, and am chivalrous (not just an act) every single day.” made me cringe so hard that I’m pretty sure I’ll permanently be several inches shorter. It sounds amazingly similar to the way most of the “nice guy” complaints start, so I was

“The only info on the internet about this OMGyes are shills, and feminist leaning man hater types.

Maybe I missed it, but i feel like more could be done to remind the first dude that his wife’s orgasms are about her, not him.