
And we can’t even just blame it on the current admin. No US govt. has ever done a thing about guns. Between the extreme partisanship and the lobbyists, to say our political system is deeply flawed is an understatement. Throw in election meddling by enemies claiming to be allies and, well, it’s time to wake up

Years ago I was on vacation and while really hung over turned on some tv. We only got like ABC/NBC/CBS so I was stuck watching one of those Oprah-like shows (wasn’t Oprah though). Might have been Rachel Ray? Anyways they were warning everyone about the new teen fad of eyeballing.

Since you seem to know a lot about background checks and laws, then surely you know that there are no background checks necessary for private gun sales.

we also shoot things with guns

Hey! If it wasn’t for “teenage fads” we would of never got that golden moment of television that was Oprah explaining what “tossing salad” means to a room full of middle aged moms.

First of all, the majority of guns involved in Chicago crimes are not legally registered firearms. They come in from states like Kentucky and - wow - OHIO! - where gun laws are obviously more lax. If we had some federal standards, maybe we could actually save some lives.

Yeah, easy access to firearms has absolutely nothing to do with the murder rate in this country. Those other countries? They’re just lucky.

Like anything it probably works sometimes. People in the US used to be against government interference in mandating seat belts, claiming that they knew someone who had been thrown clear of a wreck and survived, but ignoring that those who died from lack of seatbelts couldn’t tell stories about that. Similarly

I thought it was Caitlyn Jenner who said that liberals can’t shoot straight.

At least 25% of all states isn’t it? I say this vaguely because fact checking this stuff is too depressing and my disbelief has left the planet at this point...

They don’t care about fetuses or the children they eventually become. They only care about making women give birth as punishment for having had sex.

The only way laws will change is if someone pays them more than the NRA to change their vote.

Even worse there were actually morons saying it didn’t even happen.

“The government shouldn’t provide you with free healthcare.”

Sort of like the healthcare they are guaranteed despite what we end up with.

The kinds of people who do this kind of thing are not working with the same mental capacity or ability’ to differentiate between right and wrong, as far as I am concerned, and rank somewhere LOWER than a rabid dog on my empathy scale...)

Yeah, when that happened to him, he tried to play politics with it by stating that the shooter was a democrat because he had a been a better shot if he was a republican. Fucking sack of shit.

I hate to sound like a complete wimp, but if someone with a visible gun on their person stopped me to ask for directions I would have a level 10 Panic Attack.

The GOP doesn’t care about feti they care about punishing sluts.

To feel powerful and have the illusion that they’re an amazing badass who will single-handedly stop a major crime before innocent people get hurt.