Well, they’ll spin it as a vindication no matter what actually happens, because reichwingers are not bound by the truth.
Well, they’ll spin it as a vindication no matter what actually happens, because reichwingers are not bound by the truth.
for the record, they may be charged with privacy offenses if the state(s) in which they recorded are two-party consent states, but the brunt of the charge is that they falsified government identity documents and lied about their identities to appear to be authorized to discuss the donation of fetal tissue. that’s…
A) Trump was fully aware that he was being recorded
Access Hollywood had Trump on mic for an interview, and he was fully aware that he was being recorded.
A handful of conservative news sites, including numerous anti-abortion sites and the National Review, are reporting that California has been forced to drop 14 of the 15 the felony charges against David Daleiden, the man behind the heavily edited Planned Parenthood “sting videos,” and partner Sandra Merritt. The sites…
He’s most likely not even a billionaire. As Mark Cuban said once, people with billions don’t waste their time with petty small time shit like steaks, vodka and water.
Don’t tell Mother.
There does seem to be an incredible amount of obvious projection among Trump, people in his administration and his supporters. It’s so over the top I half expect we’ll find out Pence is gay.
Nearly all of it in fact. They levered the section 8 type housing to buy more. Which Donald promptly lost. The Plaza? Gone. Trump Tower levered to over 80%. Any casino on the Atlantic? Gone.
The fact that they aren’t black is all they care about.
Oh jeezus. The people who support these frauds actually believe that they WORK for their money.
See, the difference between them and REAL poor people is that they just have had bad luck whereas poor people are lazy. They work hard and WOULD be rich if only the system wasn’t rigged against them because of NAFTA or something. Poor people are stupid (but also somehow smart enough to fleece the welfare system so…
I wholeheartedly endorse your plan. Need any assistance getting it up and running? I volunteer. (Not to time travel, as I don’t fall into the Entitled Assholes category, but I’ll help with something, ANYTHING!)
Yes, you may throw up now.
You have to stand in awe of a man who doesn’t appreciate poor people when their entire family fortune started with pimping prostitutes and feel good medicine. Selling women and drugs.
I’m so ready. It’s my retirement plan.
I seriously considered leaving the country today. I’m really down.
I prefer robot uprising myself.
Can we start getting “hypocrisy” as a tag on all these stories? The idea that the GOP is vaunting the “NY elite” as those who will make America great, is as absurd as him having the evangelical vote.