
It never happened in real life. Katherine Johnson said she just used the bathroom closest to her work area.

Except that it never happened in real life. This was added to the movie to give Kevin Costner’s character the “white savior” moment of taking a sledgehammer to the segregated bathroom sign.

Minnesota is home to a very large population of bigots (apparently).

It’s in the article that he has a patent.

The guy who is suing has a patent which means that it was done in a way that was unique enough to qualify. It also provides the exact diagram for copying.

I love this. But then I will be dressed as Uhura in a couple of weeks.

LOL. I want to believe this is true.

I like it! #betheheroyouwanttobe

Goddamned not goddamn... if you please.

How do you think this would taste with Strega instead of Benedictine? Or would the anise notes compete too much with bourbon?

Interesting. I get served ads for the armed services.

Just do it then. We are all just people and if it’s a sci-fi setting then some of the cultural shackles can be avoided. Remember though, no stereotypes — he’s a hero like any other hero, with hero type stuff to do.

Baseball steak is under appreciated for sure. There’s an old school glamour days of Hollywood restaurant that serves a great baseball steak dinner at happy hour prices. See there, now you’ve made me hungry.

Why not both?

If I could give you more stars, I would!

He falsified financial statements in order to get investments. That is fraud.

More accurate prices, but no pictures

So, the nazi imagery was not really a problem, it was the underage girls that made them finally delete the post...

6th of all no scary Black, Muslim, Kenyan in the White House doing scary things.