
What's the title of this book? Pretty interesting.

Just gave birth last week and whaddya''s a boy!

What's the nice, appropriate, positive response if someone/a woman said "I don't want to have kids."?

This is a genuine, curious question, and I am not trying to judge or snark. I simply am trying to to understand.

Now playing

Perhaps the Dude needs to be introduced to mallakhamb. (I hope the link works, if not, google mallakhamb or Indian pole gymnastics). The wiki description says that it should not be confused with pole dancing, thus can be used to rebutt the argument that anything pole-related is inherently sexual.

I use to like to do that too, before the FB ticker thingy was introduced. Now I hated it that my comments/conversation on someone's wall is shown in ticker and everyone can see what I said to whom.

It's actually for my husband. He is obese and all these time we thought it was just due to poor diet/exercise, but recently we came across that it might be adult ADD/ADHD since, aside from overeating and difficulty to stick to working out, he shows other symptoms as well regarding getting focused, organized etc.

Thanks for the tip! Is there any specific dietary requirement that you stick to? I read something about avoiding sugar and carbs, and increasing protein. Any truth to that?

Anyone has experience/tips on sticking to a diet and working out for people who has adult ADD/ADHD? (I know I can google but just want to know personal experiences). Thanks in advance!

Thank you! Yes, I didn't say that I clean up after myself in the very original post because I did't think it would be an issue and that I have to explain myself that I do clean up if I make a mess.

"YOu are assuming that the only mess made is by hoverers. "

Ah, OK, touché, drmrsthemonarch! Point taken.

Didn't know hovering is outlawed. I assume you are talking about in the US? I don't live in the US so I didn't know that.

Thanks for the judgement. FWIW I do clean up after myself.

Hey I might hover but that doesn't mean I don't clean up after myself. I do look back and clean up.


I clean up after myself. Thanks for judging and generalizing.

If you hover while leaning forward so you push your bladder, it's doable. It's difficult to explain the mechanics and it does look comical. However, interesting thing you mention about cystitis/UTIs. I often heard it's the use of thin pads (the one you can use daily and not when you get your periods) that makes women

You can hover without sprinkling, trust me. Except in a moving train though.

I can sort of let the "barefoot in a public restroom" pass, but SITTING DOWN ON A PUBLIC TOILET?? Ewwww...